Grooming & Attire

The uniform for students of grades 1 – 9 consists of a pair of blue shorts and a white short- sleeved shirt with the relevant house badge attached to the pocket.
The students of grades 10 -11 are required to wear a pair of white longs/pants and a white short sleeved shirt with the relevant house badge attached to the pocket.
All students of the school must wear a pair of black leather shoes along with a pair of white socks. No student should enter the school during school hours dressed in any attire other than what has been mentioned here.

Personal Grooming
Students will not be permitted to attend school with very short or long hair. Haircuts must be taken in a decent manner that is acceptable by the standards of the school. Students should always be clean-shaven.

Chains and Medallions
Students should not wear chains or medallions to school. A maximum of two strands of white thread may be worn for religious purposes only. All forms of body markings and piercing are banned.