The present Western Band came into existence in the year 2016 with the blessings of the then Headmaster Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo. In the early stages, the Band had only two trumpets, one euphonium and a few other instruments. However, with the Headmasters intervention and assistance, they were able to get all the required instruments. Before the present Band was formed, the school had a Western Band which performed only at school concerts.
The Western Band’s maiden performance was at the Opening Ceremony of the School Book Shop. Thereafter, they have been leading the March Past at the sports meet conducted by the school, annually. They also led the first ever Prep School Walk in 2017 and in 2020 they led the first ever Night Walk that was organised by a school in Sri Lanka. The Western Band has also performed at two concerts organised by the school namely, ‘Ghandhar I and II’, which was organised by the Orchestra and ‘I will follow, I will lead’ organised by the Choir.
The Western Band is also at the forefront in welcoming the Chief Guest at the Annual Prize Giving, where they also perform for the audience during the short break. They also perform a rendition of carols at the conclusion of the Annual Carol Service. In 2018, the Western Band did a combined performance with the Hewisi Band of our school at ‘Ridhma Gathika’ organised by Ladies’ College. In the same year, the Band performed at ‘Rhythms of Blue’ which was hosted by our very own school. At ‘Kailaasa’, a concert organised by the Hewisi Band of S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, the Prep Band was able to showcase their talents in collaboration with the Choir and Hewisi Band of our school.
Regular Practice is the key factor that helped in the continuous improvement of the band and practices are held weekly on Wednesdays from 6.45 a.m. to 7.45 a.m. and Saturdays from 3.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in the School Premises.
The Band is trained by Petty Officer S.S.N. Fernando (Sampath) and Mr. Suraj Peiris. Officer Sampath had been in the Naval Brass Band for 22 years and, since his retirement, he is now working full-time with the Prep Band. Mr. Suraj Peiris is the former trainer of the Western Band of S. Thomas’ College, Guruthalawa and the Hewisi Band of S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia.
For any queries or details, you can always contact the Master-In-Charge of the Band Mr. Shamal Fernando.